Hello, I'm Remy and this is my personal website that I made for fun (and if, you know, modern social media blows up)! Here you can find my personal works including OCs, art, comics, and fanworks. Feel free to click around and explore, there are a lot of things I want to try to do with this!

Updates 01/02/25

Happy New Year! It's been a while. I had a day job briefly, but it didn't work out for various reasons, so I'm back on the game dev and freelance track again. I've been streaming Monday through Friday on Twitch, so you can come hang out there if that interests you. Just check the schedule to see when I'll be streaming. I'm also posting the unedited vods to Youtube, so I'll probably be putting a link to it in the side bar. I'll be updating the gallery soon too, that way more of the work I did in 2024 (there was a lot) will be shared here. This site is like my online presence saftey net in case social media completely explodes.
If anybody from Cohost comes across this website and knows of any webrings I might be able to join, please feel free to contact me at crystalcatburd@gmail.com. I'm also interested in joining webrings for Samurai Troopers or furry stuff! You can also join my forum if you would like here!

Don't forget to sign the guest book!
Safe Travels!
Remy catcomputer

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